Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Modern Ragpicker.

I hope putting this up won't make me look like a navel-gazer. Just thought of sharing some of my works with all of you guys. I did an editorial spread for school assignment a few days ago in this run down house somewhere I would not visit again.

You would not believe how smelly it is! Shits are literally everywhere. My friends are like "Human shit or dog shit?". Who cares? Shit is shit! I even stepped on it. Still, fortunately I'm able to get it all done within half an hour.

I won't explain what's the concept here. I hope the title and styling would tell the story itself. However, questions are always welcome.

Ph: Julius Kensan
Styling: Julius Kensan

"Out in the thunder,
 opens my eyes wide.
 There is something in my mind,
 keeps me up at night."

 Glasser, Apply. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like the things you post, add me on facebook miguelmepo@hotmail.com